Diary of a Mac Virgin

Basically the idea is to document my experience of getting used to a MacBook with OS X Tiger and familiarise myself with Blogger at the same time. That's right, I've never blogged before either.

Friday, October 20, 2006

Day 16 - Mac Myths

BiL sent me the following information in an email and I thought I'd reproduce it here for the benefit of my rabid readership (and so I can find it again when I find myself thinking "Didn't BiL tell me something about that?").

2 big myths of the Mac World.

1. Repair Permissions. You see this being recommended all over the shop, as a panacea. Often recommended before and after applying patches. Bollocks. It doesn't fix or prevent anything.

2. CleanUp scripts - Windows needed maintenance. Hence products like CleanSweep or RegistryClean etc. Not so in Mac OS. It has a bunch of scripts that it kicks off in the background to rotate logs and cleanup caches, etc. Just let it do its job.


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