Counting the days, or not
I've taken the plunge and ordered a memory upgrade so I'm counting the days until it arrives. I'm also awaiting the arrival of an 80gb Seagate Momentus drive and a USB caddy that I've acquired via eBay and will use to create a backup. More about those when they arrive.
In the meantime I decided to stop putting a day count in the titles of my blog entries. I was going to leave it until the end of the month but then I thought it might be fun (yes, I know I should get out more), to put a counter at the top of the page and do it now.
The Javascript date functions are not something I use very often so I took a look at what The Javascript Anthology (ISBN 0-9752402-6-9) had to say about it and found that the code I needed was right there in the book. There's no point reinventing the wheel so, if you care to look at the source for this page, the two Javascript functions that you will find in the header are pretty much copied from the aforementioned source. The single line of code at the top of the body section, that calls the functions and says how long I've been a Mac user, is all my own work.
Oh, the strain. I think I'd better go for a lie down.
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