Diary of a Mac Virgin

Basically the idea is to document my experience of getting used to a MacBook with OS X Tiger and familiarise myself with Blogger at the same time. That's right, I've never blogged before either.

Sunday, October 22, 2006

Day 18 - Trackpad Problems - ish

I've noticed a wee problem over the last few days in that when I've wanted to switch from keyboard to trackpad, the pointer has been unresponsive. Filling in forms is the worst. I have a data entry form on one of my sites that where I type text into a couple of boxes, then I might click on something before filling in another box and clicking something else. I've been using that form quite a lot recently and as I said, I've found the 'puter unresponsive when switching from keyboard to trackpad; the pointer seems to 'stick' for a second or so before responding to the trackpad. Today, I went looking for a solution.

The reason for the problem is rather obvious when you know about it: in the "Keyboard & Mouse" section of the System Preferences there's an option to "Ignore accidental trackpad input". Having it checked prevents the pointer from responding when you accidentally brush the trackpad while typing. The down side, as I have discovered, is that the 'puter then take a little while to realise that you've stopped typing and are touching the trackpad on purpose.

Swiching it off made the problem of unresponsiveness go away...

...and gave me a new 'problem' instead:

6 times while I've been making this Blog entry I've 'brushed' the trackpad and the cursor has jumped to wherever the pointer happend to be at the time. Grrrrr.


At 11:30 pm, Blogger LuAn said...

See my entry dated 30th October 2006 for more information about this.


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